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Kungsleden aerial photo

aerial photo, aerial photo, aerial photos, aerial photos, autumn, Avtsusjjåhkå, drone aerial, drönarfoto, fjällbilder, issjöterass, Kungsleden, landscapes, Lapland, nature trail, raviner, Swedish Mountains, track, V-dalar
Kungsleden (The Kings Trail) is the mountain worlds most well-known trail. It runs from Abisko to Hemavan Bierke, 440 kilometres. Kungs­leden was the initiative of STF at the beginning of the 20th century, and when the national trail system for the mountains was created in 1977, Kungsleden was included.
Picture taken 2010-09-08
Camera direction 153°

From position: Latitude: 67.303868   Longitude: 18.475222
Avtsusjjåhkå Saltoluokta Lappland Sweden   © Copyright: Tomas E Johanson

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