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Kuoperskaite Kuopervagge Alkavagge

aerial photo, aerial photo, aerial photos, aerial photos, Alggavagge, Alkavagge, drone aerial, drönarfoto, fjällbilder, fjällbäckar, fjälldalar, Guohpervagge, Kuoperskaite, Kuopervagge, landscapes, Lapland, national parks, Sarek, season, seasons, summer, Swedish Mountains, wilderness
Snow-filled ravines that fall steeply towards the valley floor of Alggavagge and Guohpervagge are either avalanche chutes, or melt water channels where the water cuts its way down beneath the glacier ice. During rain, the steep mountain sides quickly increase the flow of the streams and wading can be difficult and dangerous.
Picture taken 1998-07-18
Camera direction 247°

From position: Latitude: 67.374053   Longitude: 17.588465
Kuopervagge Sarek Lappland Sweden   © Copyright: Tomas E Johanson

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