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Routesvagge in Sarek national park

aerial photo, aerial photo, aerial photos, aerial photos, drone aerial, drönarfoto, fjällbilder, fjällbäckar, Kisurs, landscapes, Lapland, mountain valley, national parks, Routesvagge, Sarek, season, seasons, Smailajåkkå, summer, Swedish Mountains
The large, long valleys of Sarek are U-shaped valleys that have lost their glaciers. Glaciers remain in valleys and bowls that are located higher up, supplying erode material to water courses. Sediment is deposited on flatter land, forming twisting rivers. The smallest slam follows the river to the discharge.
Picture taken 1998-07-18
Camera direction 305°

From position: Latitude: 67.43937   Longitude: 17.55916
Sarek Lappland Sweden   © Copyright: Tomas E Johanson

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