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Såltatjåkkå and Kassatjåkkå in Sarek

aerial photo, aerial photo, aerial photos, aerial photos, alpine, drone aerial, drönarfoto, fjällbilder, Kassatjåkkå, landscapes, Lapland, national parks, Sarek, summer, Swedish Mountains, Såltajiegna, Såltatjåkkå
Glaciers make up the largest reservoir of fresh water on the planet, covering 10 per cent of the total land area. There are almost 300 glaciers in Sweden, many of which are so-called nisch glaciers, which are in a bowl similar to Såltajiegna in Sarek. Såltajiegna has an impressive ice fall at the glacier tongue.
Picture taken 1998-07-18
Camera direction 359°

From position: Latitude: 67.429422   Longitude: 17.592528
Såltajiegna Sarek Lappland Sweden   © Copyright: Tomas E Johanson

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