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Sitojaure towards Sarek

aerial photo, aerial photo, aerial photos, aerial photos, Akanjarka, drone aerial, drönarfoto, fjällbilder, landscapes, Lapland, mountain, Piutjaluokta, Ripaluokta, Sijddojavrre, Sitojaure, summer, Swedish Mountains, Tjålenjarka, Tjålepakte, Tjålle
Its raining in Sarek. At the same time, Stora Sjofallet is cloudy with sunny periods. The weather in the mountains is often experienced as dramatic and quickly changing. This is because of the lack of vegetation to stop the wind and air masses are pressed together in the mountain valleys and accelerate.
Picture taken 2007-07-15
Camera direction 321°

From position: Latitude: 67.232902   Longitude: 18.395715
Sitojaure Lappland Sweden   © Copyright: Tomas E Johanson

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